Job Application / Candidatura
Group Business Developer
Full Name / Nome e Cognome *
Email *
Phone Number / Numero di telefono
Your Birthdate / Data di nascita
Current Company / Azienda attuale
Preferred branch office / Sede preferita
(select branch office/selezionare sede)
Milano, Italy
Venezia, Italy
Roma, Italy
Treviso, Italy
Cagliari, Italy
Cosenza, Italy
Salerno, Italy
Lecce, Italy
Catania, Italy
London, United Kingdom
Paris, France
Zug, Switzerland
Salzburg and Vienna, Austria
Curriculum Vitae
Cover Letter
Notes / Note
Autorizzo il trattamento dei miei dati personali da parte delle società appartenenti al gruppo ARSENALIA, secondo art. 13 del D. Lgs. 196/2003, D.Lgs. 101/2018 e art. 13 del Regolamento UE 2016/679 (I hereby give consent to processing of my personal data by the companies belonging to the ARSENALIA group in accordance with art. 17 of the EU Regulation 2016/679).
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